Getting a loan of any kind can be a daunting task. Most applications require the applicant to fill out an insane amount of information about their personal and financial lives. Not only is that the opposite of enjoyable, it’s also stressful to put yourself in a position where you could hear the words, “not approved.”
It was with all those frustrations in mind that we designed the new customer Net Pay Advance payday loan application. How can we make it easier for our customers to get from start to submit?
What do you need to apply for a loan with Net Pay Advance?
To qualify for a loan, you must live in state we’re licensed in, be over the age of 18, and have a bank account open and in your name for 30+ days. We are licensed in the states of Texas, California, and Kansas.
Completing your online payday loan application
First, the application is easy to find on our website. As soon as you land on you can click the large “APPLY NOW” button to start the process. Second, we only get information that we need to approve the requested loan. Complete personal information, employer and pay cycle information, bank information, debit card information and “Voila!” you’re on your way to the approval process.
Next steps would be to choose the amount of money you would like to borrow, signing contracts, and submitting your application.
Why do I have to sign contracts before I’m approved?
We are often asked why applicants are required to sign contracts before they know if their application is approved. We simply do this to streamline the time from approval to funding. We require signatures on all contracts before funding can happen, so to avoid approved applicants coming back to sign, we just have them do so while they’re applying. Contracts are only valid if the loan is funded so the contracts for denied applicants immediately become void.
Additional information for your payday loan application
A few things to consider when new applicants are applying for a payday loan. Double, triple, quadruple check that your bank account and bank routing numbers are correct. We have no way to verify if you’re putting in the correct bank information, so a mistake could mean that approved funds are deposited into the wrong account. We can make this right, but it takes four business days at a minimum.
Also, adding your debit card information has many benefits for customers. Higher loan amount approvals plus the ability to pay back and re-apply in the same day.
Finally, only requesting a loan for money that you need is in your best interest. Avoid putting yourself in a position where you are unable to pay back the loan by only taking what you absolutely need and making on-time payments. Loan fees are calculated by the amount that is borrowed so you’ll save yourself some money by only requesting what you need.
New applications are reviewed, and a decision made as quickly as possible. For those applicants who’s loan application requires “further review” should receive a decision within 24-48 hours.