Getting a loan at Net Pay Advance means that you are apart of the VIP circle. We don’t just ‘talk the talk’ when it comes to VIP treatment for our customers, we ‘walk the walk’. So, what does it mean to be a VIP at Net Pay Advance? Well, first off it is our company mission to be “Handlers,” meaning that we handle every situation to the best of our abilities. That means rewards for the customer, too. We hear you loud and clear when you reach out about how beneficial and helpful discounts are for your bottom dollar. That’s why we have not one but two incentive programs for all our Net Pay Advance customers.
VIP Program
First and foremost is our VIP Program. This is an incentive program that is designed to encourage customers to stay out of collections. We get it, sometimes you can’t pay your loan off on the due date, but with this program it can pay to make sure you’re paying your loan off on time.
Customers are sorted into VIP levels based on the number of loans that they have taken out and paid off on time. After so many loans and repayments done on time the customer will receive a discount. The more times a customer consistently stays out of collections, the higher the discount reward they receive. See, it pays to pay.
Don’t get distressed if you’re going to be a couple days late on your payment. Customer that do go into collections based on a late payment will only fall one VIP level if they make a full payment within 30 days of their missed due date. If you go past the 30 days, the customer will go back to the first level and start the program over again.
Customers that take advantage of the VIP Program can keep track of their progress by logging into their account at and look under the “VIP” tab. Have questions about where you’re at in the program? Call customer service at 888-942-3320 or email them at [email protected]. Also, this program went into effect July 10, 2017 and all previous loans do not count in this program.
20/20 Referral Program
Our second incentive program at Net Pay Advance is the 20/20 Referral Program. We created this program because we know that our customers and their feedback are the most important type of compliment. Net Pay Advance customers are encouraged to spread the word about our short-term loans to their friends and family that have found they need some financial help.
Using the 20/20 program is easy. Customers simply log in to their Net Pay Advance account at and under the “REFERRALS” tab they can find a unique URL or code that is personal to their account. Share this URL or code with anyone you choose. If someone you referred applies for a payday loan with us and is approved then they will receive 20% off their loan fees and you’ll receive $20 cold, hard cash.
There is no limit to the amount of people or the amount of times you can share your code. If the person you are referring is not a current Net Pay Advance customer then they are eligible for the referral program.
Earned balances are sent straight to your account via ACH on the 15th of every month for the previous month’s referral dues. You can track your balance in your Net Pay Advance account.
For more information about the incentive programs at Net Pay Advance please visit this link.